The Wolves Den

Just my two cents about Gaming.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Frei Campaign-Character Basics

Ok, the following are going to be some of the new guidelines and rule changes for the campaign. These of course are subject to change, as the need arises. In addition I will explain why I'm changing the current rules.
Abilities: Ability scores will start out at 12.xx.(xx being a random percentile number rolled at the time of creation.) Racial abilities will apply, and the scores will change accordingly. As your character levels these ability scores will increase.
I can hear the grumbles already. Keep in mind my basis for this new campaign, is that your characters won't start out Uber, but slowly progress into their roles. The percentile idea came from Tobias, and the theory behind it is simple. If you go from a simple life of living on the farm to one of adventuring, you're going to get stronger, faster, smarter, wiser, etc. The current rule is you gain 1 point at 4th level. Why shouldn't they slowly increase all along? Now your primary, once you choose a class, will increase faster than the others, but they will all still increase.

Races: You may choose any race available in the Players Handbook. All racial abilities will apply, with one difference, all humans will start with a bonus +1 to all ability scores. Any subraces will be acceptable given special circumstances. (For example; an aquatic elf in a sea campaign, a drow elf in an underground campaign.) Each player must have DM's approval before selecting a subrace.
Again with the grumbles. Lately we have been trying out several different races from the several books we own. It has been interesting, but by the same token, these abnormal races have become the norm. In the new campaign I'm trying to get back to the basics, hence the rule. Now in certain circumstances I would be willing to let one player try a different race, as long as they come up with a good backstory as to why their character is different from the others of its kind. In these cases only one player per group can utilize this option. This option will not be available for the first campaign, as it will be a testing rgound of sorts. Also some of you may think that its not fair for the humans to gain the +1 to their scores. Keep in mind humans don't get a lot of racial abilities, that the other races do. How many of you have played a human recently? So to make sure humans have a chance at adventuring in my new campaign I added the rule.
Ok thats it for the first part. Next I'll discuss Classes and Skills. Players, leave your opinions and let me know what you like and don't like.
I wanted to add, the game went great last night, in my opinion. Everyone played their characters perfectly. Zack, thanks for standing in for Josh, they may not have survived without the extra beef. Since we ended so quickly and the game ran so long, we didn't really finish up on details. There's a few more items to be found, and to save time, we'll say ya camped that night in the keep so can level, heal, and medidate.
Next game is October 29th. Next World's Largest Dungeon campaign (unless Tobias tells me different) is October 14th.
Just my two cents.


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