The Wolves Den

Just my two cents about Gaming.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Frei Campaign-Character Basics (part 2)

Ok the first post was about Ability scores and Race selections. Make sure you go back and review it so their won't be any questions later. Also Micheal has brought up an idea for changing around the battle system. If you have any ideas that will make combat go smoother and more realistic, let me know.
Classes: Each character will start out as a Commoner. At 3rd level, they may go out and find a Trainer to teach them a class/profession. Any class is available (as long as we have the source book for it). In addition you may choose multiple classes. Any General Experience gained will be divided between all the classes.
Ok this rule I believe ya will have no probelm with. Many times we have started a campaign, and shortly after beginning it, I hear "man I should have picked this" or "Can I switch from a ______ to a ______" This rule will allow you to be any class you want, keep in mind General experience (to be discussed later) will be divided among each of the classes you gain, therefore you will level up slower, than say a character who is sticking to one class. Also there has been discussion among some of ya, who want to create thier own class. This is allowed, but all new classes must meet my approval and be subject to change as I see the need. If you need more information concerning creating a class, look in the DMG.
Experience: After each encounter each member of the party will recieve a General experience award. In addition class experience will awarded individually to each class. (For example: A fighter would gain extra Exp for each monster he killed, a mage for each spell he cast, etc.) In cases of mutliclassing, the experince for each class must be kept seperate. The experience needed for each level will stay the same as it is listed in the PHB. (For example: A 2nd level fighter/1st level rogue, needs 4000 exp to gain 3rd level for the fighter, and 1000 exp to gain 2nd level for the rogue.)
I know I said I was going to discuss skills yesterday, but the rules for them are the same as feats, and profiencies, so I will save that topic for one post. I realize the rules may sound confusing, but their really not. If any of you have played Fable, this should in fact be familiar. (Thats where I stole the concept.) Basically its a way to award players for good roleplaying. One thing that as DM that kills me more than anything else is when a player creates one type of character but plays it as another. This rule will insure mages get rewarded for casting spells, cleric for healing, etc.
Ok thats it for this one. Next one will be skills, feats and profienicies.
Just my two cents.


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