The Wolves Den

Just my two cents about Gaming.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Frei Campaign-A look into the history (part 2)

Excerpts from the Diary of the Druid Smokeā€¦..

Sixmonth 25, 1356
Bloodhorn's silhouette looms over the camp. We have barely escape from the Demon's clutches. It is only their faith in me, and my visions that the others have followed me so far. It will be a real test of that same faith to convince them to follow me into the Bloodhorn. I can only hope my vision was true, and the paradise I saw lay beyond these forbidding peaks.

Sevenmonth 4, 1356
The rumors concerning Bloodhorn being a breeding ground for demons has proven to be false. There is evil here to be sure, but not so great as our powers cannot protect us.

Sevenmonth 27, 1356
We have arrived. The sight lying before me matched the one in my dreams, a paradise. A land bountiful enough to provide for them. A land where they can hide from the horde. A home to raise the saviors of our future.

Fourthmonth 14, 1356
This will be my final entry. I go now to sleep. My secret friend will watch over me and protect me. I would go and fight Eonlis myself, if I knew I could succeed. I must stay alive to ensure the magic guards I placed around Paradise endure. I will awaken when the Savior is born.

Adonius Elvenfire


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