The Wolves Den

Just my two cents about Gaming.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Frei Campaign-Skills, Feats, Profiencies, and Languages.

Ok finally the skills post. Also I will conclude with a poll about Languages, so players be sure to leave your vote.
Skills, Feats, and Profiencies. All 1st level commoners will start with a basic set of skills, feats, and profiencies. These will increase with use, granting bonus's to the die roll. As the character advances they will be allowed to gain more skills, etc. from Trainers, or self-teaching.
It is assumed each character would have been taught certain skills as they grew up, fishing, hunting, farming and such. So to reflect this, each of your characters will start with a basic knowledge of these skills plus a few more. Also it is assumed that they grew up using a Bow and possibly a Dagger, these will be the weapons they start profiecent in. Others skills can be taught by Trainers, or self-taught. For example: If a fighter decides he want's to fight two handed, a short sword in each hand. He can go to a trainer who will teach him, or just start using 2 shortswords. Now granted he will take penalties in the beginning if he uses the latter option, but over time this will decrease and eventually he could gain bonus's, provided he practices and uses them constantly. As a side note skills that we take for granted such as reading and writing were not as common as they are now, this being true, your characters will not start with these skills.
Ok, now for languages This was posted on Now language hasn't been to much of a probelm in our games, and in fact in situations where I should have used an alternate language, I kept it in common just to simplify matters, and not take away from the focus of the game. So my question is this: Would you rather all creatures and races speak commmon? Or would you rather each race keep its own language? Either way is fine with me, I can work either into the history. Also if we go with the concept of one universal langauge, I like the idea of other languages used in the ancient past, that may need deciphering such as on treasure hunts and such.
Just my two cents.


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