The Wolves Den

Just my two cents about Gaming.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Frei Campaign-Trainers.

Trainers: Scattered throughout the continent of Frei are Trainers. They are mostly found in villages, cities, and towns, but they are not limited to these places and in fact can be found all over the continent. (Dungeons, forests, caves, etc.) For a fee, these Trainers can teach your character, class, skills, feats, and profiencies. The fee is not always monetary in value, and may involve completeing a quest, before they train you.
Ok, those of you who play WoW should have an idea of what I'm talking about, for those who don't read on. Basically, anytime who want to teach your character a class, skill, etc. you can go to these trainers who will train you in the desired field. Their fee will vary deopending on what it is you want to be train in and some may require you to complete a small quest before they train you. As already discussed earlier, it is possible to learn skills and such on your own, but it is a long process. So I wanted to create a way for the characters to learn these abilities quickly, thus the trainers. I realized that if all the PC"s were going to be fighters, having trainers wasn't going to be nessecary. But there are certain classes you have to be formally trained in, such as wizardy, and theivery. So again we have the trainers. As you increase in level you have to find these trainers (don't worry I don't intend to make them hard to find) and have them train you for the next level. As you train in each class you will be given a set of skills and feats that are required for that class. Also your character will recieve a bonus point in the prime ability score for that class, at first level, to represent the focused training you would have recieved towards that ability. Ideally, these "training" sessions will take place at the end of the game session, things your PC's will be doing in between adventures. This way they won't take away from our precius game time.
Well, thats all I have so far for the campaign. Let me know what you think and feel free to come up with any suggestions you may have.
Those playing in the World's Largest Dungeon, we have changed the day to October 7th, this Saturday, at my house. Bring your own drinks and snacks this time, so you won't be bumming off of Tobias and Tammy.
Those playing in the Red Hand of Doom, it will be at my house on October 29th, any work you need to do on your PC, should be done before this date. Bring your own drinks and snacks for that game too, you bums.

Just my two cents.


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